Walking the Synodal Path Together – Scripture Summer School at Knock Shrine

23 May, 2022 | News, Synod

A Scripture Summer School is being offered this June at Knock Shrine. In order to facilitate people from across the country and further afield, the Summer School will be offered online and in-person for those who are in a position to travel to Knock.

The event, which begins on Thursday 16 June and concludes on Saturday 18 June, will be delivered by Mr Sean Goan and Fr Kieran O’Mahony OSA.

Seán Goan is the coordinator of Spiritan Mission Animation Ireland and a lecturer in biblical theology. A retired teacher who has worked in the area of Catholic Education and Adult Faith development for over thirty years. He has recently collaborated with Dr Kieran O’Mahony and Dr Jessie Rogers in setting up the Tarsus Scripture School, an online forum for study of the Bible. (www.tarsusscriptureschool.ie)

Fr Kieran J. O’Mahony OSA is an Augustinian friar and a biblical scholar. Recently, he completed a nine-volume project on the Sunday readings entitled Hearers of the Word. His website is www.tarsus.ie and he’s closely involved with a related project www.tarsusscriptureschool.ie. Currently, Fr Kieran is assisting in Donnybrook parish in the Archdiocese of Dublin.

The theme of the Summer School is ‘Walking the Synodal Path Together’. Offering an overview of the course the facilitators said, “Many Christian Churches already enjoy a long history and rich experience of synod. Perhaps the most significant innovation of Pope Francis is the recovery of synodality within the Roman Catholic tradition. In terms of potential for change, this world-wide consultation is on a par with the Second Vatican Council, with the added key dimension of all the laity in the Church. Nothing quite like this on such as scale has ever been attempted before. These are exciting times — who knows where the Spirit will lead us? There is much learning to be done and, in particular, the wisdom of other traditions more familiar with synodality will be a key ingredient. The wisdom of the Bible will also furnish essential wisdom, spirituality and discernment.

“The Bible is “the very voice of the pilgrim people of God” and the roots of synodality can be traced to the Church as first of all the people of God. This understanding, in turn, finds its home in the Bible, in both the Old and New Testaments.  Accordingly, our summer programme for 2022 is an exploration of chosen biblical texts (the Gospel of John and the First Letter of Peter). Focusing on a small but significant selection, we hope to explore, to support and to strengthen this recovery of synodality, in a way which may inspire all our Churches today.”

Daily Program

Thursday 16 June: Three presentations

9.30-10.30 (presentation), 11.00am-12 noon (presentation), 2.00pm-3.00pm (presentation)

Eucharist: 5.00pm
Evening Lectio (optional): 7.00pm

Friday 17 June: Four presentations

9.30-10.30 (presentation), 11.00am-12 noon (presentation), 2.00pm-3.00pm (presentation), 3.30pm- 4.30pm (presentation),

Eucharist: 5.00pm
Evening Lectio (optional): 7.00pm

Saturday 18 June

Finishing with Q&A session

Location (if attending in-person) is the St John’s Rest & Care Centre, Knock Shrine, F12 X7Y3. Those booking will need to select the option to either attend online or in-person at the time of booking.

The cost for the Summer School is €40. Booking is open now at www.knockshrine.ie/scripture-summer-school/ and those booking will need to select the option to either attend online or in-person at the time of booking.



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